Creating a Bigger Future for Entrepreneurs & Small Biz Owners
The New Year is fast approaching. If you're like most entrepreneurs and small business owners you may or (more likely) may not have created that plan for 2020. Hey, you're not alone.
But if you're looking at 2020 to be the year you make it big (or bigger) in your industry or profession then read up. There are a few things you need to do now to get yourself, and your organization, where you want it to be.
You have to set the stage for growth and that starts with designing your Bigger Future! This is your time to work "on" your business for a change and we promise it will be waiting when you return.
1. Shut It Down. Find a quiet spot for several hours (let's say 1-2 hours to start). No vibrating phone, no email pop up notices, no internet, no kids/family/friends/colleagues. NO distractions.
2. Dream Big! Grab some paper and get creative. WRITE it down. Writing helps imprint things into longer term memory, so draw, write, etc. and answer these questions...
If we were sitting in a coffee shop 10 years from now, catching up as colleagues do, what would your life look like now and what would have transpired in those 10 years to get you there? Money & time are not an issue, dream big!
What does your life look like in 10 years? How old are you? Where are you living? What are you doing?
What would you have done or accomplished?
Where have you visited?
What big things do you have planned? (personally and professionally)
Spend whatever time you need to answer those questions because, quite simply, this is the context in which your bigger plans will be made.
3. Identify Your Resources. What resources would you need to get to your 10-year target? Money, people, time, tools, ideas, education, etc. Whatever it is, write it down. You may not know all of what you need, but this gets you thinking about those resources.
Continue to revisit this each week and tweak it until you get it where you want it. I'll walk you through the next steps in a few days.